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01/12/2010 10:58
Well, I'm Horde through and through, but I'm going to shoot a Worgen.

[Laughs] We had a great debate about what career would end in. buy wow gold Some people are big fans of the Alliance and the people who are big fans of the Horde, and we had to think about what was right for the game. The United States We just decided Worgen for the Alliance. As the goblins have been a career long requested. They are a very capricious character which is another reason for the elves in the Horde side. Not much fantasy in the Horde.

We have gnomes, basically?

Exactly. So it was kind of motivation for the boys.

Horde Orgimmar capital has changed dramatically and many of the areas changed dramatically. But other capital cities - involving, for example - and a lot of other areas have remained largely untouched. wow gold Is it possible that Deathwing might run amok again during the expansion?

(Laughter) I do not think that the most likely to the capital cities. One thing I wanted to do was show that really Orgrimmar and Stormwind are the capitals of the various factions. That's what we do a lot of energy. Obviously, Orgrimmar has a big facelift. However, we put in an equal amount in Stormwind in time artist. Where land for expansion, and people can fly over the city, the work will become evident. Stormwind conversion in a flyover of the city was a year of work. And about a year in Orgrimmar. buy and oreder So I do not think it's likely we'll be playing Undercity or any of the other cities at this time.

Are there plans to Outland and Northrend (zones created in the last two expansions)?

We started talking about what we have to do because there are currently no conguity between the story we're telling a cataclysm and the Outland. It feels a bit strange that all the "Deathwing is back and has destroyed the world" and then you get into Outland and you're like " Hey There's a guy, Illidan." I do not know exactly how we'll deal with that yet, but definitely want to find a solution.

Dungeon Seeker (LFD) feature of Wrath of the Lich King was one of the expansions "he notes. Are there plans to make inroads through server?

The LFD is probably one of the things I'm most proud of. This is a true game changer and has really done amazing things for the game. I think it's a great feature and definitely we've talked about extending that to the raids.

There are a couple of problems that are specific to raids that are different from the dungeons. Dungeons are much more informal in terms of the ability of the player who needs to succeed. There is also blocking the attack issue: how to deal the player need to be successful? You have two bosses in the new system, then the attack breaks down.

There are some ideas we have. The new raid lockout system we have to help facilitate a locator attack. I think it's possible that we would make an attack system through server. I do not know what exactly it would look like.

Cataclysm is bringing to share the spoils and lockouts between 10 - and 25-player raids. wow gold Is this a continuation of the policy of the Lich King's wrath to let the casual player to watch over the limit? perchasing 20K And the intention of doing this throughout the expansion?

Well, we have developed the philosophy of assault with each enlargement. And we've tried to make changes based on what we did before. The origin of the shared lock-out was not "Hey, let's do more casual incursions." It was actually trying to solve a couple problems that existed with the locks of anger attack.

For example, you could make your raid of 10 people and from there to start working on your 10 people heroic and it was quite difficult. Sometimes it would work for several days, a crusade in the days of old pre-recording on which days or weeks go by before you head down. You've got the boss down, you loot, and was an incredible feeling. Then, the next day would go into a gang of 25 people, half of them had never been in a raid before and would kill his boss at the second attempt, cheapest wow gold and you would get the same loot that had spent days and weeks 10 people receive in their heroic.

Thus, while there were more players for the version of 25 people, the effort did not feel like work of equal value. That was the seed to do something different for Cataclysm. Make the shared lock-out is our attempt to try to match that. The extra effort required for the release of 25 people will be rewarded for giving more loot.

Is controversial, and frankly, it is debatable at all times. What I can say is we're going to try this and if there are problems or not work the way we expect then we will make changes.

Wrath of the Lich King brought many changes as double speccing excellent and we talked Dungeon Finder Search. But one aspect that, and many others, were not so gearscore was the emergence of culture. Are there plans to address this? Or Blizzard happy to let players solve?

It is a difficult subject, because you have people who feel like gearscore is the end of all the metrics of how things should work. And then you have the unpleasant use of it, the band leader or party that says "People without gearscore x can not enter this raid / party. I'm not going to play with people that gearscore." It's definitely a problem.

Our feeling is that the proverbial horse has left the barn. And there's really no way to put the genie back in the bottle. So the question is: what can we do about it? It is near resolution of the extension, available capital but have our own gearscore helps people like bin gearscores together, so it's not the huge disparity between rich and poor.

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